風險管理 3 - 資訊安全風險管理趨勢
等級防護制度(Security Protection Levels)是一種基於風險評估的資訊安全管理模式,旨在根據系統與資料的重要性劃分安全等級,並對應不同的安全防護需求與合規性要求。
- 考點
- #等級防護制度
- #ISO 27001
- #供應鏈攻擊
- #零信任架構(Zero Trust)
- #SIEM(安全資訊與事件管理)
第二集 - 介紹AI:Qwen通義千問
通義千問(Qwen)是阿里巴巴集團旗下的通義實驗室自主研發的超大規模語言模型。作為一個多語言、多功能的 AI 助手,Qwen 能夠回答問題、創作文字、進行邏輯推理、編程、表達觀點以及玩遊戲等等。
Qwen 特點:1. 超大規模參數量、2. 多語言支持、3. 強大的對話理解能力、4. 廣泛的知識庫、5. 代碼寫作能力。
主要的幾個模型:1. Qwen-Max、2. Qwen-Plus、3. Qwen-Turbo、4. Qwen-Long、5. Qwen-VL 和 Qwen2-VL、6. Qwen-Audio 和 Qwen2-Audio。
- 考點
- #Qwen
區塊鏈技術的起源可以追溯到 2008 年中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)發表的比特幣白皮書,比特幣作為第一個應用區塊鏈技術的加密貨幣,它的誕生標誌著去中心化和分散式帳本技術的開始,區塊鏈技術的核心理念是透過共識機制確保交易記錄的安全和可靠,而不需要中央管理機構的信任體系完成金融交易任務。
- 題測
- E-commerce has become an integral part of the modern economy, transforming how businesses and consumers interact. Its importance is underscored by the convenience, efficiency, and global reach it offers, enabling transactions and interactions that were once impossible, now achievable with just a few clicks.
- In a digital market, will information asymmetry between consumers and suppliers be reduced or intensified? What are the business implications of such change of information asymmetry (either reduction or intensifying) in digital markets? (12%)
- Research studies suggest that in digital markets, the switching cost (i.e., the cost of switching from one supplier to another) for consumers can either increase or decrease, depending on the nature of the product or service being sold. Identify the characteristics of products or services that result in higher consumer switching costs in digital markets compared to traditional markets. Additionally, identify the characteristics of products or services whose consumer switching costs decrease when sold in digital markets. (12%)